
If you hold a membership and wish to renew it, please log in to your account before adding the item to your basket.
BAC Supporter Premium plus Guest

10% discount off most events
Invitation to gallery previews
Invitation to our annual ‘Peggy Party’ 
Quarterly Supporters’ newsletter
Priority booking 
First to know about special event through an exclusive pre-programme mailing list
Acknowledgement of your support on our website (unless anonymity is requested)
Your name added to our Supporters’ board in the foyer (unless anonymity is requested)

  • Membership Period: 1 year
  • Price: £150.00

BAC Supporter Premium Individual

10% discount off most events
Invitation to gallery previews
Invitation to our annual ‘Peggy Party’ 
Quarterly Supporters’ newsletter
Priority booking 
First to know about special event through an exclusive pre-programme mailing list
Acknowledgement of your support on our website (unless anonymity is requested)
Your name added to our Supporters’ board in the foyer (unless anonymity is requested)

  • Membership Period: 1 year
  • Price: £100.00

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